In this case, I uses Google Chrome extension. So, automatically you should use Google Chrome to follow this 'How to Change Your Facebook Theme' created by mine, because other browser will not have Google Chrome extension (ups, sorry! hehe).
2. Click this icon (circled one)
3. Scroll down the side bar to find 'tools' , when your cursor point at it there'll be another side bars appears then select 'extension'.
4. Scroll down the 'extension' page to found 'get another extension' link.
5. Click the link and search 'Facebook Theme Creator' on the search box.
6. There will be many search result appears, and the one that you should choose is this one
7. Click the free button, and wait until the automatic download bar appears on the bottom of your chrome browser.
8. It'll be installed aoutomaticaly in your chrome browser as an extension.
9. Now, open your facebook. You'll see a rainbow colored circle beside your 'Home' link.
10. Click it and the options of facebook theme customization will appear.
11. You have 2 options, choose the theme which already available or cutomize your own.
By choosing to make your own theme, you can use your own picture or insert the url of the picture you like. You can also choose your favorite colors for your theme. NOW, START YOUR EXPERIMENT!
LOOK, THIS IS MINE! SHOW ME YOURS! (Don't forget to comment and rate my post, you can also ask me by comment or cbox.)
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